
The default language is english. If you want to change to chinese, you can add the LOCALE to the .env file:

LOCALE=zh_cn #options: en/zh_cn

The configuration's list for the .env:

Key Description
MAIL_NOTIFICATION Whether to open the mail notification to send (open need to set the mail driver), the default is false, open is set totrue
DEFAULT_AVATAR Set the default avatar for the site
DEFAULT_ICON Set the favicon for the site
ARTICLE_SHARE If you want to open the social share for the article, you can set true for the config. Otherwise, you should set it false
DISCUSSION_SHARE If you want to open the social share for the discussion, you can set true for the config. Otherwise, you should set it false
SOCIAL_SHARE_SITES Set the ways for social share
SOCIAL_SHARE_MOBILE_SITES Set the ways for social share in mobile
GOOGLE_OPEN If you want to open the google analytics, you should set the config true
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID If you open the google analytics, you must set the google analytics id
APPLICATION_NAME Set your application name for the site
TIMEZONE Set the application timezone for the site
LOCALE Set the application language for the site
MAIL_FROM Email From Address
MAIL_NAME Email From Name
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET Github Clicent Secret
GITHUB_REDIRECT Github Clicent Redirect
YOUDAO_API_KEY Youdao api key used for the chinese article title to translate to the slug
YOUDAO_KEY_FROM Youdao key form used for the chinese article title to translate to the slug

If you want to change the blog base information and some things to show, you can edit the config/blog.php file to set what you want.

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    No results matching ""